ACTIVE INGREDIENTS : Organic Carbon 10.00%, Total Nitrogen (as N) 0.4% and Total Phosphorus by weight with C:N Ratio of less than 20:1

MODE OF ACTION : MultiProm is a blend of Organic Manure, Inorganic Phosphate fertilizer and Biofertilizer which supplies Phosphorus to Plant. In addition phosphorus solubilizing bacteria that is present in the product produces organic acids that solubilizes unavailable fixed phosphorus present in both acid and alkaline soils and makes it available to plants for a prolonged period even to the consecutive crop.


DOSAGE : 25 kg per acre

METHOD OF APPLICATION : After final land preparation broadcast 25 kg of MultiProm over an acre before sowing or transplanting.


  • Fine particles of inorganic rock phosphate in Multiplex MultiProm enhances its agronomic efficiency
  • Organic Manure component in Multiplex MultiProm can prevent ions of other elements from converting phosphorus to insoluble and unavailable form
  • Increases beneficial microbial diversity in the soil.
  • Beneficial Microorganisms in MultiProm produces essential growth hormones like gibberellins, auxins, vitamins, that are vital for the plant growth and development
  • Helps in the amendment of problematic soils like Acid and Saline Soils
  • Multiplex MultiProm also supplements other nutrients like Copper, Zinc Iron, calcium and Magnesium
  • Multiplex MultiProm provides better plant growth and improves yield both by quality and quantity.

AVAILABLE PACKING : 10 kg & 25 kg.